The Khyber Pass is the fundamental course among Pakistan and Afghanistan, one of the most infamous stretches of street on the planet. Many have attempted to control it, from Alexander the Great to the British Raj, and all have fizzled. It is a spots of wild mountain passes and similarly wild, rebellious terrains.
Making a trip to the Khyber Pass is unquestionably an undertaking and not constantly prompted. You'll require a unique grant to make the excursion and specialists may demand that you travel with an outfitted watchman. On the off chance that that sounds excessively bad-to-the-bone, a visit to Smuggler's Bazaar on the edges of Peshawar will give you taste of the Khyber without the threat.
This is the place every one of the products imported through Pakistan to Afghanistan and afterward carried back through the Tribal Areas to abstain from paying obligation are sold – from slice value gadgets and garments to Hello Kitty stationery. Weapons and medications are exchanged here to, yet at the far end, where an obstruction keeps voyagers from incidentally unearthing a universal arms bargain.